discontinue|discontinued|discontinues|discontinuing in English


[dis·con·tin·ue || ‚dɪskən'tɪnjuː]

stop, cease, terminate

Use "discontinue|discontinued|discontinues|discontinuing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "discontinue|discontinued|discontinues|discontinuing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "discontinue|discontinued|discontinues|discontinuing", or refer to the context using the word "discontinue|discontinued|discontinues|discontinuing" in the English Dictionary.

1. Ceasing: as in discontinuing, stopping

2. They threatened to discontinue buying it.

3. Condition of discontinuance of crime is Condition of one who discontinues a crime. Sentencedict.com

4. I'll have to discontinue these weekly visits.

5. This magazine will discontinue next week.

6. Hikma discontinued Chlorothiazide tablets

7. He discontinued China Daily.

8. Coronas - a discontinued production size

9. Before discontinuing a Bible study, seek Jehovah’s direction in prayer.

10. Discontinuing the respirator does not necessarily mean ending her life.

11. On January 15 2019, YouTube decided to discontinue Annotations

12. The job will discontinue in the winter.

13. Ad server downloaded impressions (Discontinued)

14. Also, comment on when to discontinue unproductive studies.

15. Does Compact persuade employers to discontinue discriminatory practices?

16. As of 31 January 2019, Autodesk is discontinuing Buzzsaw® and Buzzsaw® Professional

17. When a competitor discontinues access to a local loop, the applicant charges him the cost of discontinuance.

18. Management must study Avoidable costs when considering downsizing the company, discontinuing

19. We would like to discontinue our current telex connection.

20. Accept the rules stated above or discontinue your studies.

21. To put an end to; discontinue: The factory Ceased production

22. The project was discontinued in 1896.

23. Our country has discontinued nuclear testing.

24. Refusing to pay such costs would lead to the work of the agencies discontinuing.

25. 1 November 1982: Freight services discontinued.